How many people dream one day to go around the world, but never act? Indeed, it is very easy to find excuses to postpone this project, sometimes indefinitely. Here are the excuses that come up most often.
It’s too expensive
On average, a round the world costs € 15,000, but this is only an average. Tourdumondists arrive to travel a year with a budget of less than 7 000 €, limiting the number of plane tickets and choosing countries in which life is not expensive. In some parts of the world it is possible to travel with less than 10 € per day.
Even without a great salary, it is quite possible to put money aside by limiting as much as possible all your superfluous expenses: living in a roommate or at your parents’ home, traveling by bike or public transport, limiting your going out to bars and restaurants, quitting … everything is a matter of priority.
It’s too dangerous
When you look at the news on TV, you sometimes have the impression of living in a world so hostile that you do not have to leave home. The website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is also quite alarmist. Of course, some areas or countries are to be avoided. But they are finally quite few.
It is in fact mainly a fear of the unknown. The barrier of the tongue scares. But in reality, in most countries of the world, you can travel by simply applying the basic safety rules. Of the thousands of Turdumondists who leave each year, very few are victims of problems that actually endanger their physical integrity.

It’s bad for my career
Going around the world is not seen by employers as a sign of a lack of motivation. On the contrary, it is often a positive point on a resume. Someone who has made a long trip usually has initiative, has good resistance to stress and has a good ability to adapt. It’s appreciated by the employers. Most Tourdumondists find work quite quickly on their return.
You can also take a sabbatical leave or put yourself on standby and thus have the assurance of finding your job when you return. A world tour can also be an opportunity to mature a new professional project, such as starting a business or starting a business.
I do not know where to start organizing myself
For some, planning a world tour seems insurmountable. Indeed, it takes a little organization, but nothing really bad. Our site is here to help you. We did a detailed schedule of tasks to be done each month before departure. Our thematic files should normally answer almost every question you ask yourself. And if that’s not enough, you can ask your questions to other tourdumondists in our community on Facebook .