Motorcycles are the most used means of transportation for people in Southeast Asia. Many travelers therefore choose to discover the region by bike.
Navigating the countryside, coast and mountains of Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia on your motorcycle is perhaps the best way to explore these countries.
In this folder, we explain in detail how to buy your bike yourself and move to Southeast Asia.
Driving in the open air, in the winding mountain roads, in the midst of beautiful scenery or in the crazy traffic of the big Asian cities is a unique experience that provides a good dose of adrenaline.
Traveling on a motorbike allows you to explore more easily the most remote corners, where public transport does not go. Unlike the bus, you always have a 180 ° panoramic view and can stop when you want to enjoy the scenery or take pictures.
You are also closer to the locals. You ask for directions, talk during your stops and are invited to exchange with garage owners to maintain and repair your vehicle.
The motorcycle is an extremely flexible means of transport. You can easily change programs, make a detour, stay longer in a place you like or shorten your stay and quickly go to your next destination.
You are not constrained by public transport schedules and can visit countries at your own pace. It is also a relatively inexpensive means of transportation because a used motorcycle is not expensive and does not consume a lot of fuel.
The inconvenients
The motorcycle trip is not only a part of pleasure. You have to deal with sometimes chaotic traffic, pollution, accident risks and bad weather.
You must also pay attention to where you leave your vehicle when you are not on it so you do not fly it.
It is a fairly lonely means of transport, because even if you travel to several you can not discuss when you drive.
Traveling on a motorcycle can also be tiring. You must be constantly attentive and can not rest like in a bus or plane.
You will also face additional costs to go to the islands, because you then need to transport or store your bike.